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Saturday, April 24, 2010 / 8:07 PM ♥
I can't believe i'm posting my most phobic song on dizi blog @_@ Is there anyway to fuse this into the mixpod? http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQ3ODA5MzI=.html Watch out for the retarded guy haha -Shijia Thursday, April 22, 2010 / 9:39 PM ♥
hey nth to post but have to liven up the blog, so if u bored can look at this convo abt facebook games. as for who said them, go guess lo -.- Person No. 1 says: *OMG YAY I GOT CREAMMM Person No. 2 says: *huh what? Person No. 1 says: *sorry restaurant city Person No. 2 says: *cream? *LOL *ROFL *WA *u ALSO PLAY MOSEHUNT *SOMEMORE SOUND MY HORN Person No. 1 says: *really? *GOOD WHAT HAHAHA *i a bit too multitask liao haha Person No. 2 says: *yeah! *somemore is games! *haha Person No. 1 says: *HEHE Person No. 2 says: *happy playing *ENJOY LIFE MANZ XD *ITS NOT ALWAYS ABT STUDIES AND EXAMS Person No. 1 says: *HAHA YESSS LOL *OMG YAY I CAN LEVEL UP 2 DISHES Person No. 2 says: *ur making me laugh like siao Person No. 1 says: *lollllll GOOD WHAT MAKE YOU LAUGH *heehee i'm in qianshan's restaurant now Person No. 2 says: *WHAT Person No. 1 says: *i wonder why she didn't put her restaurant name as "murderer Person No. 2 says: *QIANSHAN PLAY RESTUARANT CTY? *OMG *OH MY GOD *CITY* *REALLY *OMG Person No. 1 says: *YESS Person No. 2 says: *i seriously think she killed someone *then try to atone for her mistake *by calling herself murderer siah Person No. 1 says: *lollll *really arh Person No. 2 says: *she what leve??? *level* *no la Person No. 1 says: *eh forgot *wait i check *20+ Person No. 2 says: *how her restaurant look like *OHMY GOSH *I GOTTA manz go look *BRB Person No. 1 says: *HAHA YOU Person No. 2 says: *i havent touched restaurant city for decades!! Person No. 1 says: *lvl 26 *called mii cafe Person No. 2 says: *OH MY GOSH *u? *haha *i go see urs too! *WAH *NOW GT JAP CAFE? Person No. 1 says: *yeah Person No. 2 says: *AND ITS STILL INITIALIZING AND NOT WORKING ): *who else have restaurant city ar? Person No. 1 says: *like *whole section except our dear sl *i dunno about sec 1s though *oh ya does beatrix and kemely have fb? Person No. 2 says: kermerly wang *beatrix dunno *HA HA I SEE UR CAFE *'s one im so speechless man qianshan z Person No. 1 says: *HAHA *in SHOCK or in WONDER Person No. 2 says: *BOTH Person No. 1 says: *HAHAHAHAHA Person No. 2 says: *u got the breathing kit? *I NEED IT *i wish i knew some SJAB people NOW Person No. 1 says: *breathing kit?? Person No. 2 says: *xi hu xi hu... *i dunno what its called! *aiya *gimme a *brown paper bag *with no holes *i wanna breathe ): Person No. 1 says: *huhhhhhh Person No. 2 says: *wait *can i send u a pic of what i need *ok *those things *used for ppl *who cant breathe properly *like breathing into a brown paper bag in CARTOONS Person No. 1 says: *why do you need that?? o.o Person No. 2 says: *OHMY *TOO SHOCKED *im weird today? *): Person No. 1 says: *haha post exam highness Person No. 2 says: *wah *u make it sound like i love exams *and get high at the mention of it!! *but i do get high *in a negative way where *i wanna die ): **it rhymes* *im lame- Person No. 1 says: *lol *POST exam highness *hahahahhaha *you all going to learn poems soon anyway right *after r and j *actually not that soon o.o Person No. 2 says: *LEARNING LIAO *we learn poem first eh *term 3 then learn r and j *dunno why ask our NICE NICE la teacher Person No. 1 says: *o.o Person No. 2 says: *u all learn r and j first? Person No. 1 says: *nope *r and j in term 3 Person No. 2 says: *hmm *dunno eh Person No. 2 says: *country story u gt cow? Person No. 1 says: *no *heh Person No. 2 says: *WHY NO COW *u noe i cant get enough wood and stone *what other games u play ar.. Person No. 1 says: *go other people's farm and pick *restaurant city *pet society *hmmm *country story *mousehunt *mythmonger *actually i don't play pet society liao *then my pet dying there ): *ok gtg *haha *SMILEEEEEE *I SHALL TICKLE YOUUUU **tickles* *ok *byebye! Person No. 2 says: *byebye 秦王破阵乐
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 / 8:38 PM ♥
see i kindly provided the qwpzy video link for you guys. :) taifeng not bad! but i guess there's still quite a bit of room for improvement :/ shall not name the school here. fennie |